Rakendus serveriruumides
Järjepidev toiteallikas
Server rooms with mission-critical applications have to absolutely ensure a steady and undistorted power source. The need for rack-mounted batteries as backup power is critical as it provides protection and stability against power cuts ensuring smooth operations.
Ühilduvus UPSi süsteemidega
For Increased reliability, these batteries are connected to UPS systems and therefore are more beneficial for the server infrastructure. The productive association between riiulile paigaldatavad patareidUPS-süsteemid võimaldavad õrnadele masinatele täiendavat turvavõrku, kuna need ühenduvad sujuvalt.
Integratsioon andmekeskustes
Ruumi tõhusus
Real-estate is always an issue in a data center so rack-mounted batteries come in handy. They can be positioned in racks that vertically accommodate them with other peripherals and sensors serving to save floor space and improve the organization of the data center as a whole.
Lihtne paigaldamine ja hooldus
There are also racking batteries that make the process of installation easier and are straight forward and usually do not require major changes to be made. Same goes with these batteries, they can be maintained easily and replaced without much hassle which assists in reducing downtimes for critical data center operations.
Guangdongi tooted Happy Times New Energy
Guangdong Happy Times New Energy is firmly reputable as a manufacturer to reckon with in energy solutions. Our company’s core competencies lie in providing versatile products developed to work as complements to rack-mounted batteries, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of data center/server room facilities. Our range of product offerings include:
Liitium-ioonakud:Kerged ja suure energiatihedusega patareid, mis sobivad kaasaskantavatesse seadmetesse ja kompaktsesse keskkonda.
Energiasalvestussüsteemid:Moodulsüsteemid taastuvenergia salvestamiseks, mis sobivad nii võrguenergiast sõltuvuse kui ka tegevuskulude vähendamiseks.
Akuhaldussüsteemid (BMS):Keerukad süsteemid, mis on võimelised jälgima ja haldama aku kasutamist, parandades kasulikkust, tagades samal ajal ohutuse.
Virnastatavad akud hõivavad vähe ruumi, mis on täiendav eelis andmekeskustele ja serveriruumidele, kuid neil on ka täiendav töökindlus ja mastaapsus. Kui Guangdong Happy Times New Energy on partner, saab teie organisatsioon kasu uuenduslikest energialahendustest, mille eesmärk on teie süsteeme veelgi täiustada.